The Four Horsemen of Sustainable Development

Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Apocalypse of St. JohnAp.6.8.

How to describe the world in which we live? To notice what is hidden under the surface of propaganda, deceit and manipulation? For some time now, people, societies and nations losing their identity have been maintained in illusion, falsehood and lies, intended to guarantee impunity to those who have adopted the attitude of god and consistently strive to create a new world order, a new man – a being deprived of the ability to think independently and using artificial intelligence, displacing faith, reason and intuition.

Once, taking up the fight between good and evil was an obvious duty, for which it was worth sacrificing knowledge, skills and, when necessary, even life. Today, all values ​​are being questioned, and relativism has dominated science, moral dilemmas, and everyday existence. Evil has become rampant everywhere, and its hooves are being pushed into the gates of the greatest sanctities.

Under the guise of noble ideas based on false premises, horizons are being narrowed, common sense and the ability to see obvious truths, lost today in misleading visions, are being taken away. Common sense and truth are being replaced by analyses and ideas straight from hell. God and goodness are no longer being seen, because – as Andrzej Juliusz Sarwa writes – “evil is visible, it does not hide modestly, it is rude and intrusively obvious and threatens! It is dangerous to mess with it. It is wiser to stay silent.”

Thus, the mad riders rush, above the ground, through our homes and hearts, bringing plague, war, hunger, and death. They are no longer figures from the vision of Saint John, rooted in tradition, faith and a pious conviction of the invincible power of the God. They are dressed in short Armani suits and under the desks of world offices they stamp their heels, striking sparks that are to set the cradle of civilization on fire so that a large part of the population burns. They hide behind banners that arouse respect in the unwitting: the World Economic Forum [WEF], the United Nations [UN], the World Health Organization [WHO], countless non-governmental organizations [NGOs] and charities. They deliver speeches and messages, smiling from under the yellowed complexion of evil, pretending that their ideas are sublime, with only the good of the Earth and humanity in mind.

Their goal is complete control, enslavement and depopulation. This simple intention, which if revealed directly could provoke protests and rebellions with incalculable consequences, is hidden behind shallow slogans such as “sustainable development”, declaring an end to poverty, zero hunger, good health and quality of life, good quality education, gender equality, clean and accessible energy, clean water, innovation, equality, climate action, peace, justice, strong institutions and finally “sustainable” cities and communities. Words have lost their former meaning and their positive connotations are deliberately used to convey uncomfortable and threatening messages that could provoke opposition and outrage.

The implementation of this hellish plan, intended for many generations, was suddenly decided to accelerate, after initial successes that, on the one hand, proved very effective, but on the other, caused an awakening of consciousness among a significant part of the manipulated communities and nations. This moment of enlightenment of minds must have caused the globalists to fear that delay and step-by-step action could result in an effective protest of the population, which, although treated like “cattle”, in a multi-billion mass could constitute a threat and a source of rebellion, capable of stopping the expansion of “progress and modernity”.


The first step of this march of the new world order was the 2019 pandemic, planned perfectly and spread all over the world, after the release of a well-designed biological weapon virus from the laboratory. It was accompanied by a policy of spreading fear – television stations showed columns of military vehicles, supposedly transporting bodies of those who died of the pandemic, field hospitals were opened, hiding that the existing ones were in many cases almost empty, because standard surgeries, treatment of diseases and life-saving procedures were stopped. Ice rinks were shown, intended for putting corpses in terrifying, black, plastic bags. Terror was based on “science”, which was the key word, closing attempts to question the meaning of rigorous orders. Lockdowns were introduced, leading to the isolation of people and the atomization of society, the destruction of the economy based on the operation of small businesses and companies and building the power of behemoths such as Amazon and large retail chains. The tretment ot the disease caused by the virus was not recommended and even prohibited from being used by doctors who had measurable successes in treating it with vitamin sets and drugs such as ivermectin. Instead, a preparation was prepared at lightning speed, which, while operating on different principles than traditional vaccines, was called a vaccine, because people have great confidence in this form of protection against diseases. Many serious scientists and experts even claim that the virus was released only to later repeatedly “vaccinate” a larger part of the population. Contrary to the facts, it was announced that the “vaccine” was “safe and effective”, despite numerous deaths, allergic reactions and serious side effects. In order to perfidiously force citizens to supposedly “voluntary vaccinations”, a mass propaganda campaign was unleashed, in which famous actors, athletes and other celebrities were involved, not to mention an army of corrupt “journalists”. They are largely responsible for the confusion of most people who, fearing the “plague”, obediently submitted to and continue to submit to the experimental procedure. The plan of multiple vaccinations was truly satanic: hundreds of millions of patients who got sucked into endless “renewal doses” believed in the harmlessness of the preparation, continued the “therapy”, and wrote off any very common side effects as ordinary ailments, the effects of aging and random, typical diseases that were in no way associated with the harmful effects of injections. The voices of independent specialists sounding the alarm were effectively suppressed and eliminated from the public debate, which was completely dominated by one-sided propaganda equipped with tools of coercion.

The pandemic and the campaign of mass “vaccinations” became an opportunity for strict control of the population, tightening sanitary regulations, travel bans, staying in public places and the obligation to take dangerous injections by many professional groups. All protests were suppressed. The most spectacular protest of Canadian truckers, the famous “Freedom Convoy”, captured the hearts of not only Canadians but also aroused enthusiasm around the world. Despite this, the liberal Trudeau government did not enter into any talks with the peaceful drivers, supported by doctors and scientists prepared for a serious debate, and after a media campaign to slander the protesters, ended the convoy by introducing an emergency act, using the police and mounted units to pacify them, trampling the gathered, peaceful crowd. The Freedom Convoy was supported by many residents, who donated money so that the protest could continue. Even those who donated small amounts had their bank accounts frozen by the Trudeau regime. The trials of the main organizers of the protest are still ongoing, despite the fact, or perhaps because, that they have the status of heroes in Canada, and the accusations are fabricated and grotesque.

The truth about the effects of “vaccines” is slowly coming to light, but despite this, another, countless  boosters doses are still being offered for “people aged six months and over”, although children very rarely and mildly experience the infection, and subsequent injections do not provide any health benefits, quite the opposite.. Excessive deaths are being observed all over the world (which is passed over in silence by all mainstream media) and a difficult-to-hide explosion of cancer diseases (so-called “turbo cancers”). It turned out that it is the vaccinated who are more likely to get infected with “covid”, have chronic colds and strange, previously unseen symptoms. The rapid increase in cases of myocarditis in young people and children who have undergone vaccinations is being presented as a typical, non-worrying phenomenon.


After a significant part of the population had been “vaccinated”, the most dangerous form of the pandemic had subsided and the virus had transformed into a mutated, mild variant, fear began to spread with a new plague, called “monkey pox”. Initial alarms reporting severe cases of another pandemic quickly died down and were immediately forgotten by tired people, subjected to constant propaganda treatment. The “monkey pox” scare was also stopped. The specter of war in Ukraine loomed over the world and the topic of the plague was sidelined. The end of the pandemic in Poland was particularly spectacular, where overnight the deadly virus was transformed into a contagious bacillus of war propaganda. The narrative of the “free and democratic” world was disturbingly uniform and one-dimensional. Based on the post-Soviet vision of the “evil empire”, a harassing image of a bandit Russia and a freedom- and democracy-loving Ukraine was created with red stripes on TV screens. All the nuances, historical facts, were pushed out of the information space, and the world was circulated by an indisputable, propaganda message, presenting Putin as a satrap and tyrant, who will push unstoppably all the way to Portugal. His opposite was the president-actor Zelensky, a political puppet, created as a great statesman and charismatic leader of an oppressed nation. It was forgotten that until recently Ukraine was considered the most corrupt country in the world, known for its shameful human trafficking and “factories” for giving birth and selling children. No one talked about the corruption of the Biden family, the takeover of Ukrainian assets by international corporations and the numerous illegal American biological weapons laboratories in Ukraine. Zelensky’s pilgrimage to parliaments around the world after asking for military and financial assistance was reported by mainstream media, whose task was to gain public support for the murderous war, in which hundreds of thousands of people died, mostly on the Ukrainian side. Billions of dollars, tanks, missiles, drones and ammunition were sent to Zelensky and the oligarchs who controlled the state and the economy. The aid was generous, unlimited and not based on a rational assessment of the situation. You can count on the fingers of one hand the politicians who would be willing to call for peace talks. However, such talks took place right after the war began and were close to leading to a peace treaty between Ukraine and Russia. The finalization of this initiative was prevented by the sudden visit of Boris Johnson, then Prime Minister of Great Britain, who talked Zelensky out of such an unfavourable solution for the globalists. The war continued and continues to this day. Its activities are mainly limited to the eastern part of Ukraine, but there is no talk of efforts to end the conflict peacefully. Zelensky is doing everything he can to drag NATO countries into the war, continues to demand financial and military aid from the West, and continues to send more troops to the battlefield, regardless of the tragic outcome of this massacre. According to military experts, nearly half a million Ukrainian soldiers have died so far. No one is talking about it, but these rumors are confirmed by the desperate military conscription of more and more groups of the population and the appeals for conscription among men who, bypassing the regulations, fled Ukraine after the war began.

The conflict in Ukraine is just one of many wars fought around the world, one of many places on Earth from which the conflagration of destruction can spread. The war in the Gaza Strip, Israel and Palestine, quickly dominated the interest of the world’s public opinion, diverting attention from the fighting in Ukraine. There was almost no talk about the war in Yemen or conflicts in other regions. Despite these countless flashpoints, bringing the threat of World War III closer, the common denominator of the media narrative has become stubborn war propaganda. No one is calling for peace talks any more, and the real data on the number of victims of cannon fodder sent to the front are passed over in silence.

The Roman Empire fell after the barbarian invasion. It is hard not to find an analogy to these historical facts in the contemporary uncontrolled migration (or rather controlled by forces striving to destroy Western civilization) to Europe and the United States. For years, dinghies with migrants, filled to the brim with refugees, consisting mainly of young men from Africa, the Near and Far East, have been landing on the islands and coasts of Italy, Spain and Greece. These newcomers then make their way into the heart of Europe. This is treated as a historical necessity and a problem that cannot be solved otherwise than by endlessly accepting new residents for the maintenance of Europeans. A similar fleet of dinghies reaches the shores of Great Britain. The refugees, who should more properly be called invaders, destroying the character of European culture and tradition, are accommodated in hotels, boarding houses and maintained at taxpayers’ expense. European cities have become encampments for newcomers who have no intention of attempting to truly integrate into a society raised in centuries-old traditions that has generously, albeit against their will, accepted them. As a result of this policy, “no go zones” have been created in Sweden, known for its prosperity and safety, and the police do not dare to enter some districts. New Year’s Eve parties in the squares and streets of European cities such as Milan and Berlin were mainly attended by newcomers from exotic lands, and the few women who dared to welcome the New Year in this gathering were harassed, molested, and even raped. This is the true face of the “cultural enrichment” of the old continent.

On the other hemisphere, the southern border of the United States is being stormed by hundreds of thousands of migrants from South America and all over the world. This procedure is well-prepared. Organized groups of smugglers pick up “refugees” at international airports and transport them to the border, which has been virtually unguarded since the Biden administration took power. Those arriving face a multi-year immigration process that is causing this wave of migration to spread across America, virtually unchecked. This procedure involves human trafficking, brutal exploitation of women, and the transfer of children to “sponsors” belonging to the pedophile lobby. The scale of the migration process, the lack of preventive action, and the inaction of border services, which after all have the army, navy, and means of control so effectively used against loyal citizens who are the victims of this avalanche of invasion, are evidence of a well-planned project of destruction aimed at creating new societies incapable of defending themselves and preserving their historical identity.


The war in Ukraine was supposed to cause famine – the media trumpeted. It was reported that Ukraine was the world’s largest grain producer, and that during the war, sowing and harvesting were supposed to be impossible, which was supposed to be the cause of famine in countries dependent on Ukrainian grain supplies. This was not true. A year later, it turned out that excessive grain exports from areas beyond the eastern border caused a flood of grain in Poland, which did not meet European food standards and ruined Polish producers. This was only the beginning of diplomatic, economic and social problems between Poland and Ukraine. Disagreements slowly began to overshadow the unconditional aid pushed by Polish politicians, who, posing as patriots, adopted the attitude of powerless vassals towards Ukraine, allegedly fighting Russia “for Poland and the freedom of all of Europe”. Serious cracks began to appear in the façade of friendship between two neighboring countries with a dark past and an unexplained history of the Volhynian genocide, systematically distorted by the Ukrainian side. Ukraine’s demands for financial penalties to be imposed on Poland have devalued the value and meaning of awarding Zelensky the highest Polish distinction – the Order of the White Eagle.

Recently, one of the main propaganda scourges of the world’s elites has been “climate change”. This has become a way of introducing various restrictions and explaining all inconvenient problems with the “impact of climate”. Global warming and high temperatures are even used to explain the excessive number of deaths, so as not to associate it with the side effects of mass mRNA “vaccinations”. The salvation for the planet, among other absurd ideas, is to be the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, including methane excreted by cattle around the world. The need to eliminate a significant number of cattle is being forced, and this action has been experimentally started in the Netherlands, which is one of the largest producers of beef and milk. The liquidation of Dutch farms has sparked widespread protests by the Dutch, clashes with the police and attempts to stop policies aimed at reducing meat consumption, liquidating farms and adapting to a different food structure. One solution is to produce insects intended for consumption as a substitute for meat that is allegedly harmful to the well-being of nature and the climate. As early as 2024, the world’s largest worm breeding complex, Tebrio, will begin full production in Spain, not only for fertilizers and as animal feed, but also as an ingredient in human food products, falsely called “complete protein.”

All these activities, the increasing prices, the lowering of living standards and the arrogance of politicians who, with false slogans about democracy, freedom and the good of societies, are imperceptibly introducing a totalitarian system, are causing growing civic opposition around the world. It is not known whether the globalists will be able to suppress the protests in France, the mass demonstrations and strikes of farmers in Germany, supported by other professional groups, ordinary citizens and even cult motorcycling circles. The murmurs of discontent can already be heard on all continents, and this is not the kind of “globalism” that Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and other executors of the plan to “improve the world” had in mind.

Consistent attempts are underway to eliminate pigs, cattle, and traditional animal breeding. This strategy can only cause significant food shortages on the market, shifting meat to the shelves of luxury goods, available only to the wealthy part of society. Globalists want us to eat and poison ourselves with “syntetic meat” and worms instead of eating what has been served for centuries, digesting the chitinous shells of crickets and other insects. Similarly dangerous and threatening to health are the regular spraying of substances by airplanes, blocking the sun, probably mainly over European and North American countries belonging to NATO. It is not entirely clear what the purpose of this dangerous geoengineering is, easy to notice by anyone who can sometimes tear themselves away from their phone screen and look at the sky. It is known that the sprayed substances contain harmful health materials, of which aluminum, barium, strontium, arsenic, zinc, strange bacteria and fibers are detected in excessive amounts in precipitation and soil. Covering the sun has a negative effect on human organisms, which absorb vitamin D from sunlight, necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system. The procedure of closing the sky in the “chemtrails” network, kept in deep secrecy, also has a negative effect on photosynthesis and flora, which can cause serious deficits in plant food products.

It would probably be an exaggeration to claim that the creators of the Great Reset want to starve us, but there is a clear tendency to drastically change our diet, promoting veganism, which, if practiced carelessly, can lead to illness, exhaustion and death. The concept of building our menu on insects is also terrifying. For now, the disoriented population is getting used to the sight of a plate of impatiently wriggling worms, waiting to be consumed by humans. Worm products are also quietly added to food – for example, “insect flour” to real one. The complete change in children’s diet is also causing great concern. The diet tested over the centuries and the caring tradition of our ancestors is being replaced by new trends that eliminate milk, meat, vegetables, sugar and delicate dishes on which entire generations of children grew up in health. This trend is uncritically accepted by a generation of young mothers, turning a blind ear to the good advice of their parents. This leads us under the dark wings of the fourth horseman.


However, the greatest fear is aroused by the last of the horsemen, with a pale face and transparent figure, penetrating the afterlife. Mentioning him usually evokes a grimace of distaste and disbelief, because no one raised in Western culture, guided by a moral compass, can imagine that the need to act to increase prosperity and protect life can be replaced by the idea of ​​depopulation. Unfortunately, the facts and numerous publications of elites from the World Economic Forum, the UN, Freemasonry and other organizations striving to introduce a “new world order” do not hide the concern caused by the overpopulation of the Earth. You can find statements by Bill Gates and other “philanthropists” guided solely by the “good of humanity”, expressing the belief in the necessity (“for the good of the planet”) to limit the population even to 500 million, which was the population of the Earth several hundred years ago. The famous, mysterious monument of the New Age of Reason, the Georgia Guidestones, have inscribed in many languages ​​the ten “commandments” – principles, the first of which states: “maintain the population at 500 million people.

It is safe to say that the depopulation agenda takes on various forms. The principle is that every small step brings us closer to the goal. They are countless and the list of activities that cause illness, shorten life and ruin health is constantly growing. It begins with diseases generated in laboratories: it started with AIDS, which appeared out of nowhere and effectively killed victims and was the first experiment in modest depopulation and the psychological effect of spreading fear. Covid was already a perfectly planned action on a global scale; after the pandemic released from the laboratory, without any attempts at treatment, hundreds of millions of people around the world began to be given so-called “mRNA vaccines” in a perfidious way, causing sudden deaths, illnesses and heart attacks, rapidly spreading “turbo cancers” and various health problems that the “vaccinated” do not even notice, blaming the symptoms on unexpected health problems, aging or accidental infections. Most people feel the effects of vaccinations, but symptoms such as joint pain, anxiety, partial nerve damage, thrombosis, gastrointestinal disorders, skin and subcutaneous tissue changes, respiratory disorders and various infections are not associated with the drug taken. Deliberate evil cannot be the cause of problems, or even the topic of conversation. That is why we often hear: none of my friends had any side effects!

This is how the tip of the depopulation iceberg is exposed, the most recently noticed and arousing fear, anxiety and opposition. Beneath this surface there is a whole host of other activities, usually explained in a mendacious way so that the truth does not come to light. This is the powerful industry of “conscious motherhood” – abortion, contraception, promotion of homosexuality, the increasingly common procedure of changing sex, creating breakneck relationships that exclude reproduction, the phenomenon of growing social pathology, which is the favouring of single life and entering into virtual relationships with imaginary artificial intelligence partners. This is 5G technology, exposing human organisms to electromagnetic waves, the harmfulness of which is not fully explained, hidden and is still the subject of independent research (because the official, funded by corrupted institutions hide facts, distort data and mislead). This technology can also be used for mind control, and experiments on the effects of such activities are covered by complete secrecy, and all those who publicize the problem are called ridiculing epithets such as “flat-earthers”. There are also loud warnings about the mass installation of “smart” electricity meters – they not only generate a very strong electromagnetic field, but also fully control the energy consumption pattern in every household.

In the previous part, we mentioned “chemtrails”, a technology of spraying and covering the clear sky and sun. These procedures are completely secret and despite the fact that it is known how harmful they are to living organisms, no one knows what the full composition of the sprayed substances is and how dangerous they are. We also talked about changing the structure of food, but the emphasis should be on genetically modified products and various substances added to food products. Natural ingredients are replaced with artificial, chemically created preparations that are supposed to guarantee a healthy composition of food. An example is aspartame, a sweetener that replaces sugar in 5,000-6,000 products. Its introduction for use was rejected three times, but despite the fact that this substance is addictive, and studies have shown a link between aspartame and increased infertility, causing cancer and brain tumors, it was approved for mass production. Could it be that the sugar that Polish writer Wańkowicz once wrote about as “strengthening” was really that harmful?

It is hard to deny that the trend of acting to the detriment of health is terrifyingly common. One could argue that this is a coincidence and an excess of conspiratorial imagination, but how long can we lie to ourselves? Common sense and cool analysis lead to depressing conclusions.


Is it worth believing in the above theories, once called conspiracy theories, but increasingly effectively confirmed by facts (as Zbigniew Herbert wrote: “the proof of the monster’s existence is its victims”), should we take up the challenge, avoid the four horsemen of sustainable development and make sure that the hand of justice or even divine punishment may reach them? Each of us must make the effort to independently analyze the facts, try to answer these tormenting questions and doubts on which not only our fate depends, but above all the fate of our children, grandchildren and ultimately the fate of all humanity. It’s time to wake up

Aleksander Rybczyński


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