far journey – 2016 – airbrush – acrylic – oil on canvas – 105cm x 120cm – andré schmucki
Malarstwo, które ukazuje marzenia senne, jako uzupełnienie spraw nieułożonych na jawie. Obrazy André Schmuckiego unikają intelektualizacji, by objawić autentyczne uczucia.
Born in Switzerland Lives and works in Lucerne, Switzerland
1990 F+F Schule für Kunst und Mediendesign Zürich
1997 Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
André was born on january 31 – 1967 he received a b.f.a. in the 90’s- from hdk – zurich and lucerne university of applied sciences and arts.
It is commonly believed that the primary function of dreams is to psychologically balance and compensate for matters left unsettled during our waking hours. In the dream world, the censors of our mind dissipate and the material in our heads becomes fluid and nonlinear—our past memories, fears and desires all surface symbolically, revealing to us a deeper understanding of ourselves. Metaphorically, this is how I have come to understand my artwork. I see my art as a visual manifestations of my subconscious mind – images that bypass intellectualization to reveal authentic feeling.
Je le savais
Je le ressentais
J’en étais conscient
La profondeur
Par la transparence
Pour dire la mouvance d’une histoire
La vérité s’avère
Se soulignent de toutes les nuances
Une alliance aux preuves imprudentes
L’âme des sens
S’exerce avec patience
Pour affirmer l’audace de l’amour
Réjean Desrosiers © 2016 08 07 003