Adam Lupton – painter from Vancouver
‘Truth is the Lie that we Tell to Ourself’ – Oil on canvas . Adam Lupton holds his Bachelors of Communication Design from Emily Carr University or Art and Design, having graduated in May 2010. […]
‘Truth is the Lie that we Tell to Ourself’ – Oil on canvas . Adam Lupton holds his Bachelors of Communication Design from Emily Carr University or Art and Design, having graduated in May 2010. […]
“Rodeo Vs Rodeo” – 36 x 36, Oil on Canvas . Adam Lupton holds his Bachelors of Communication Design from Emily Carr University or Art and Design, having graduated in May 2010. As a Vancouverite, Lupton […]
Przed nami jeszcze potop Ależ leje Przechodnie zgięci w pół dźwigają na plecach ciężkie worki deszczu i zrzucają je pod wiatami przystanków otrzepując się z wody jak z mąki Dwie kobiety uchwyciły się kurczowo męskich […]
Warszawa, 3 grudnia 2023 Geniusz. Coś pomiędzy uśmiechem Buddy a uśmiechem Mony Lizy. Śnieg. Świat jak z obrazów Romana Opałki. Coraz bielszy i coraz bledszy. Anatomia zaniku. Pycha wyklucza modlitwę. Czasem, gdy patrzę na nocne […]
The Lonesome Crowded Mind, 36 x 48, Oil on canvas … Adam Lupton holds his Bachelors of Communication Design from Emily Carr University or Art and Design, having graduated in May 2010. As a Vancouverite, Lupton […]
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